The Turkish association of residents in Public Health joins EuroNet MRPH

During the Summer Meeting in Valencia, Turkey joined EuroNet MRPH. With a population of more than 80 millions people, Turkey is one of the biggest countries of the European continent. In this country Public Health is listed as a clinical discipline and it has several challenges to face. It is expected that around 2400 public health specialist will be needed in 2023 to answer to the Turkish population’s needs*.

EuroNetters are extremely happy to welcome their Turkish colleagues and are looking forward to meeting them all as soon as possible. The road for a better “health for all” is still long, but together we are stronger!

Please, find attached to this post the presentation of Turkish residency programme. More information will be soon updated on the website.

Public Health Residency Turkey



A road map for professionalisation: the ASPHER/WHO/CoP meeting at the Imperial College of London

In mid-June, we had the opportunity to strengthen once again our partnership with ASPHER.
As you may know, EuroNet has been working with ASPHER and the WHO on the professionalisation of the public health workforce. This project has three main areas of work:
· The Professionalisation Road Map
· The Competencies framework
· The Accreditation work
A Working Group led by Jo McCarthy has been giving opinion and advice on the first two areas of work.
As a key stakeholder, EuroNet was invited to the expert meeting held on the 19th of June in London. In there, different experts and stakeholders from across Europe discussed the way in which the public health workforce can achieve the same degree of professionalization than other medical specialties. We also discussed the common framework of competences that a public health professional should achieve and what would the accreditation process.
Three Euroneters (Damiano, Damir and Alberto) participated in the key discussions led by ASPHER and WHO senior public health professionals, such as Katarzyna Czabanowska, Anna Chichowska or Jose María Martín Moreno. It was a very productive meeting in which we were strengthened our commitment with this project.
Alberto had the opportunity to share his insights as a key note listener at the end of the day. Also, Damir Ivankovic, as a member of ASPHER’s executive board, stayed in London for the rest of the week participating in the ASPHER retreat.
As usual, we used our visit to London to visit euroneters around the world. In this case, we had the opportunity to visit Diogo, from Portugal; and to share stories, views and public health opinions whilst enjoying a pizza in central London.