Contributions and publications


Joint Healthcare Workforce Paper with EPHA available here.

Publication made with contribution from Giorgia Soldà and Lucia Borlado.

Dissemination follow-up webinar summary available here.


Have you Say: open mic from the European Commission where Euronet expressed its view on the midterm evaluation of the EU4Health Program. You can find the feedback here.

Written by Giorgia Soldà, Marta Caminiti, Lucia Borlado and Kate Ndocko.

Liège Declaration on Adaptation to Climate Change
Roadmap on adaptation to climate change in Europe of non-state actors gathered at the Climate Chance Europe Wallonia Summit, 8-9 February 2024 in Liège, under the auspices of the Belgian Presidency of the EU Council.

It constitutes the first declaration of this magnitude from CSO, NGO, academics and researchers on climate change adaptation, nature-based solutions and resilience.
It marks an important milestone for the Belgian presidency of the Council of the EU and for the future of the European Green Deal.

Signed by Kate Ndocko.