History of the network

The idea of a network of European associations first emerged in 2008 among French and Italian residents.
They started a collaboration on a qualitative project exploring the satisfaction of residency programs in the two countries by a self-administered questionnaire.
And so the story begins...

The success of this initiative encouraged the residents to continue the collaboration and to extend it to Public Health residents from other European countries.

Spanish residents also joined the network in 2009.

Afterwards EuroNet MRPH was officially founded on June 30th, 2011 in Paris. The three founding associations were:

  • CLISP (College de Liaison des Internes en Santé Publique) for France
  • SItI (Società Italiana di Igiene e Medicina Preventiva e Sanità Pubblica) for Italy
  • ARES (Asociación Española de residentes de medicina preventiva y salud pública) for Spain.

SRC (Specialty Registrar’s Committee) of the Faculty of Public Health for the United Kingdom joined the network on November 12th, 2011 in Zaragoza (Spain).

The Portuguese Public Health Residents Committee strengthened the team in April 2012.
It was followed by APHRI, the Association of Public Health Medicine Registrars of Ireland, on March 1st, 2014, in London.
The next year, on March 21st, 2015 in Milan (Italy), the network approved the application of the HDJZ for Croatia.

After that Losgio for The Netherlands joined the network on November 20th 2015, during the Barcelona meeting, the request from Slovenia was welcomed on November 26th 2016, during the Dublin meeting.

The youngest member is Turkey who joined EuroNet MRPH during the Valencia Meeting, on July 13th 2018.

Euronet MRPH currently encompasses 9 countries represented by national associations representing public health residents in public health.

Click here to know what countries are now part of EuroNet MPRH network.