Addressing the health and care workforce crisis: EPHA position paper launch

Shortages, uneven distribution, growing skills needs, deteriorating working conditions, gender disparities and the repercussions of the COVID-19 crisis on health systems are only some of the challenges that the health and care workforce is currently facing.
The consequences of the health and care workforce crisis are not only affecting people across Europe in the short term, but they will also have an impact on future generations. The urgency of the situation calls for prompt and adequate action to efficiently address this crisis and avoid entering a downward spiral.

To discuss the multiple facets of this crisis, as well as ways to address it, we invite you to participate in this webinar.

Register here –> Webinar

European Scientific Contest

European Scientific Contest 2024

European Scientific Contest 2024

EuroNet MRPH Spring Meeting 2024- European Scientific Contest 🗣✏

You can present your project at the European Scientific Contest (ESC) during the EuroNet MRPH 2024 Spring Meeting, in Madrid!

What kind of project?

A scientific project you have contributed to: internship, thesis, master’s thesis, personal project, etc. All topics are welcome! ❤


This is an opportunity to practice your public speaking skills in front of a friendly audience, to give visibility to your work, and you can add this to your CV! 🚀

How will this work?

Oral presentation of the selected projects (10 minutes each) in the morning of May 11th.
Only one will win the ESC!

A jury of peers will select the projects that will be presented at the ESC based on  the quality of the abstracts and the originality of the topic:

  • Attractiveness of the summary, ease of reading 
  • Quality of the title, informative and corresponds to the content 
  • Coherent, balanced structure 
  • Clear objectives 
  • Explicit methodology (location of study, analyses, endpoints) 
  • Concise, precise results 
  • Clarity of the message conveyed in the conclusion 
  • Explicit spelling, acronyms 

What’s the Prize?

For the winner of the ESC: free accommodation and free social program for the next EuroNet Spring Meeting! 🏆

Deadline for submissions

The deadline for submissions is 23:59 CET April 14th,2024 .

For more information and sending your abstract follow this link–>

Spring meeting 2024

Spring Meeting 2024

The next EuroNet Spring Meeting 2024 is coming!

EuroNet Spring Meeting 2024

From opportunity to policy impact:
Public Health advocacy in action

Get ready to come to Madrid the 9-11th May 2024.
Pre-registrations are now open till March 30th–>

This event will bring together public health residents from all over Europe, offering a space for the exchange of experiences, knowledge, and collaborations in the field of public health.


The main topic will be Public Health Advocacy.

This congress will address crucial issues related to the demand and promotion of policies and actions that strengthen public health. It is a unique opportunity to explore innovative strategies and essential tools to advocate for the well-being of our communities.

Here below you find a draft program of the EuroNet Spring Meeting 2024.

EuroNet MRPH Spring Meeting Draft Program 2024
EuroNet MRPH Spring Meeting Draft Program 2024


The Ministry of Health in Madrid will be the epicenter of our discussions and reflections. This iconic setting will provide the perfect backdrop for conversations about the present and future of public health advocacy in Europe.

Share your research

In addition to the fascinating plenary sessions and round tables, we are excited to announce the European Scientific Contest.
This is a great opportunity for residents to present their innovative work and contribute to the advancement of public health and compete for a prize!
More info at the following link –> ESC 2024

Follow us and collaborate

ARES MPSP (Asociación de Residentes de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública) is organizing the next EuroNet MRPH Spring Meeting.
We will publish information about the speakers, the detailed program and participation opportunities.
Click on the icons below to see the Organizing Committee Instagram page and website

If you want to propose speakers or topics for the scientific program, or ideas for the social plan, send an email to

This conference is more than an event: it’s a platform for collaboration, learning and advocacy for public health in Europe.

Save the date and join us in Madrid for Spring Meeting 2024!
Pre-registrations are now open and will close on March 30th –>