2016 EuroNet MRPH Spring meeting in Zagreb, Croatia

fist call poster v2

Dear friends,

We are proud to announce the 2016 EuroNet MRPH Spring meeting in Zagreb, Croatia that will take place on April 1st and 2nd .

Attached please find the call poster and the draft programme for the event: Preliminary_Programme_Zagreb_v2

Some more details below

Please fill out the attendance form on the following address by March 7th

We can offer comfortable and affordable accommodation at the Zagreb School of Public Health


(where the meetings will take place). Double-rooms, 30€ per person single-use, 20€ per person double-use. 9 double-rooms are available in total. Each room is equipped with a bathroom and free Wi-Fi. There is a communal kitchen. This accommodation is available on first-come-first-serve basis, so please contact us. Of course, feel free to use all the airbnb, booking. com and other accommodation options…
Zagreb has a small but not-so-bad connected airport, uber and a nicely organized public transport system (google: ZET Zagreb, http://www.zagreb-airport.hr/home ).

We would like to invite you to prepare the oral presentations (one per country) of research and work-based projects from your perspective as EU Public health residents (for open session – see the Programme).

Feel free to attend the Facebook event we created under the Croatian Public Health Society: https://www.facebook.com/events/1754523938109852/

Looking forward to seeing you all in Zagreb!

Croatian EuroNET team
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