International internships monitoring

This proforma is intended to provide basic information about a proposed project that may benefit from collaboration across EuroNet member countries.

Project Initiator

Name (first name/surname): Guido Maringhini

Organisation: EuroNet MRPH

Country of affiliation: Italy

Contact email:

Contact phone: +39 8577326

Date: 29th March 2013

Details of the Project (proposal)

Title of the project: Perceived need for and monitoring of international internships among european public health residents

Please provide a brief description of your proposed project:

International Internships represent strategic tools in order to implement future medical doctor’s education. Only few studies have assessed the immediate educational and personal benefits of International Internships for residents. Several articles have suggested that junior medical doctors feel a strong desire for an international experience. Although the number of exchanges programs is increasing, there are not detailed data about junior physicians experiences abroad and, above all, there is a lack of objective evaluations of International Internships contribution to their professional growth.

The mission of Euronet MRPH is to promote professional excellence among Medical Residents in Public Health in Europe by exchanging scientific knowledge and training opportunities and organizing common activities to promote and facilitate foreign internships in Europe for medical residents in Public Health. In order to address these tasks is important to have a full understanding of European public health’s residents towards international internships.


  • To elaborate a standardized, comprehensive questionnaire to use in every country who has joined Euronet MRPH

  • To identify variability, within and between countries, on the perceived need for residents to undergo an International Internship

  • To monitor and gather details on previous and current International Internships among European public health residents

  • To analyze the reasons that stop European public health residents from doing an International Internship

  • To prepare a final document that could summarize strategies to implement International Internships among European public health residents

Proposed outcomes (scientific paper, presentation, grant application, report etc)

  • Scientific abstracts and congress presentations.

  • Report for Euronet and questionnaire for future use

  • Grant application to be considered by EuroNet




Creation, adaptation and translation of the questionnaire

2-4 weeks

Completion of questionnaire by each country

4-6 weeks

Data gathering and analysis of results

4-6 weeks

Abstract redaction, peer review, proposals for submission to scientific meetings, and grant applications for further development


Total estimated duration: 14-22 weeks

Funding (detail if funding is provided or state ‘no funding’):

No funding

Do you have support from any other agencies?

In process

Collaborators Required

  • One person per country (national coordinator) to participate in the design of the study, to gather the data and to analyze them

From which countries/cities:

France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, UK and future EuroNet country members

Experience or skills required:

Scientific Data Analysis and Leadership skills

Is travel required?


Please send your project proposal to your country Euronet Committee or to:

Euronet Secretary

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