The Professionalisation Working Group was set up in 2017 to work alongside the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) on their Professionalisation and Workforce Planning agenda.
Projects the working group has contributed to so far have been part of the WHO Coalition of Partners work programme for 2017-18, and have included the development of a European Competencies Framework for Public Health Workforce, a Professionalisation Road Map and working on Public Health Accreditation. In June 2018 several members of the working group will attend the Expert Meeting on Professionalisation of the Public Health Workforce hospital by WHO/Europe and ASPHER. EuroNet also now has a place on the ASPHER board, and Damir Ivankovic (EuroNet President 2017) is working as the Croatian Representative in the WHO Coalition of Partners.
It is important that, as residents in Public Health in Europe, we participate and contribute to these projects and discussions, and continue to work with ASPHER and WHO on this important agenda. We are looking forward to continuing this work throughout 2018 and beyond!
WG Coordinator: Jo McCarthy