EuroNet MRPH Spring Meeting – Nancy 2018

EuroNet Spring Meeting will take place in Nancy from 8th to 10th March!
The main theme will be prevention. Join us and discover the many ways of promoting prevention policies!

On the first day, we’ll start by our working groups. Then, the official inauguration will take place at 13.30 (don’t miss it, there might be surprises!). Afterwards a round table of experts will discuss local prevention policies in a city. How do a metropolis, a city, a regional health agency all interact to develop prevention policies on a territory in France?

Then you’ll see two examples of prevention projects, lead by different actors: a company and an association.

On the second day, we’ll talk about prevention in hospitals. How to educate patients? But also, how to reach healthcare professionals with prevention?

In the afternoon, a very exciting part: a member of the French parliament will talk about France’s view on Europe and public health, on how to develop a social Europe and how to better European health policies. Then two members of the ETHIK IA group of reflexion (a national group of experts on Artificial Intelligence) will discuss the impact of big data and AI on the future of Public Health in Europe.

Finally, Saturday will be of course our traditional EuroNet day.

You like the program? You’ll like the social events even more!

From typical French breakfasts (hello baguettes and croissants), to lunches in typical restaurants, your stomach surely will be happy!

And  in this beautiful and very festive city (can you imagine, 50.000 students for 100.000 inhabitants??) I promise you will remember the trip ; )

So stop hesitating, fill in the registration form and book your flight/train right now!

Welcome to NANCY!

Organizing Committee

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