EPHA/EuroNet MRPH workshop on Advocacy in Public Health

EPHA (The European Public Health Alliance) is kindly hosting a two-day workshop for EuroNet MRPH members on the topic of Advocacy in Public Health.

The workshop will take place on September 28th and 29th, 2017, in Brussels, at the EPHA headquarters. EuroNet MRPH has always been committed to facilitate exchanges and provide education opportunities to Public Health residents all over Europe and is then extremely grateful to EPHA for this one and happy to announce the ouverture of the enrollment.

Please, check out the (draft) agenda of the workshop:

Day 1, module 1: Steps and players involved in implementing a successful campaign

  • Welcome (Sascha Marschang, EPHA Director of Operations and Membership)
  • Introduction to EPHA – Organisation, ways of working, advocacy, campaigns (Sascha Marschang)
  • Focus on an EPHA campaign – Universal access to affordable medicines (Yannis Natsis, EPHA Policy Manager)
  • Focus on an EPHA campaign – Food, drink and agriculture (Nikolai Pushkarev, EPHA Policy Coordinator)
  • Focus on an EPHA campaign – Antimicrobial resistance (Sascha Marschang, Nina Renshaw)
  • EU advocacy undertaken by EPHA members and partner organisations

Day 2, module 2: Communication with the European Union

  • How does the European Commission engage with the civil society (Zoltan Massay-Kosubek, EPHA Policy Manager)
  • Working with EU and national media & role of social media (Giulia Vettore, Communications Manager)

Day 2, module 3: Working with EU Institution & mobilising the membership

  • The importance of scientific evidence for advocacy (Dr Eleanor Brooks, Scientific Advisor on Economics and Health Governance)
  • Mobilising EPHA’s membership (Sascha Marschang)

Due to limited availability, the workshop application is now open only to EuroNet MRPH members (board, lead, national commission, individual members).
It will soon be open to active members and Public Health residents in Euronet member countries (membership page).
Please, check out social networks (Facebook and Twitter) as well as our website regularly to learn about application ouverture.

For any further information, please send an email to president @ euronetmrph.org or you national commission.

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