Dear EuroNetERS,
The next EuroNews MRPH will arrive soon!
We kindly invite you to send your article(s) and/or short news about any public health issue that have involved your Country (and/or of international concern), as well as updates about EuroNet MRPH projects, residency programmes, national and overseas placements, by the 11th of September to:
Your written contribution should respect the following characteristics:
– Length – word count: 550 words as an extended article; or 220 words as a short news ;
– Reference and sources of information and data, as well as reference and sources of any table and pictures included;
– Article Author/s’ personal contact/s (feel free to include social media accounts) and picture.
You may be interested in reading the last newsletters. Find them all at:
Furthermore, we strongly advice you to share this call among all your colleagues through your communication channels, in order to involve always more people in the network.
We look forward to receive your contribution. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
All the best from the Portuguese team