Strasbourg Meeting – Registration form and Media Center

The Spring Meeting is in one month and we are so excited to meet in Strasbourg, the home of the European Parliament.

If you’re joining us, please take a few minutes to fill in the REGISTRATION FORM [closed] and to join the Facebook event. Thank you!
If you have any question, don’t hesitate to email us at meeting @

Here you are a few media items made for sharing!

Image courtesy of Robert Glod.

EuroNet Platform crowdfunding campaign

The crowdfunding campaign to support the Platform Project is online and it will last until the end of the month of March.

The Platform is a unique network for European medical residents who have an interest in Public Health and want to create or participate to research projects.
By the means of the Platform, medical residents and trainees will be able to find or create work teams to develop their ideas. It is a great opportunity to let ideas come out and grow and to give free voice to young scientists.

You do not need to be a Public Health specialist or resident physician to want to get involved and support the campaign!
Even a little help means a lot for us and for this project!

Please, donate here: Wellfundr page.

Thank you!

EuroNet MRPH Spring Meeting in Strasbourg, France. April 7th-8th

The Spring meeting is getting closer!
If you want to participate, please fill in the REGISTRATION FORM and visit the meeting “media center” for posters and media items.

Here you are a few preliminary details about venues and programmes:

  • FRIDAY, APRIL 7th, 2017
    • Morning session at the European Parliament: presentation of the EuroNet MRPH Platform project
    • Afternoon session at the University of Strasbourg: hot topics in public health presented by public health specialists and residents
    • Evening: social programme
  • SATURDAY, APRIL 8th, 2017
    • Morning session at the University of Strasbourg: EuroNet general assembly
    • Afternoon session at the University of Strasbourg: working groups
    • Evening: social programme
  • SUNDAY, APRIL 9th, 2017
    • All day: social programme and city tour

If you have any question, please feel free to email us at

See you in Strasbourg!


Site maintenance and visual identity of the Network

The site is undergoing a deep maintenance. We’re reorganizing the layout, trying to make it more attractive and easy to use, suitable for tablets and mobile phones. At the same time, we are reorganizing the pages but the work is not yet over and some contents are missing. Please, bear with us. We’re working hard for you.

If you need information about internships, residency in EuroNet member countries and so on, feel free to contact us by email ( is still valid, though new @euronetmrph emails are under way!) or contact form. We will try to answer within the shortest delay. If you need to contact National Teams (soon to be called “National Commissions”), feel free to fill the contact form, or send an email to the address available at team contact page. Teams do their best to answer within the shortest delay!

EuroNet MRPH is always very active on Twitter and Facebook. You can contact us there too.


In spite of site maintenance, EuroNet identity does not change. We love having European flag stars in our logo, and we will put it online again as soon as possible – maybe with a few changes. If you want to send us your comments, or if you have some free time to help us, please, contact us. And if you want to join us, we will be in Dublin on 25th and 26th November 2016 for EuroNet MRPH Winter Meeting! See you there!

Summer EuroNews MRPH – call for contributions

Dear EuroNetERS, 

The next EuroNews MRPH will arrive soon!

We kindly invite you to send your article(s) and/or short news about any public health issue that have involved your Country (and/or of international concern), as well as updates about EuroNet MRPH projects, residency programmes, national and overseas placements, by the 11th of September to:  

Your written contribution should respect the following characteristics: 

– Length – word count: 550 words as an extended article; or  220 words as a short news ;

– Reference and sources of information and data, as well as reference and sources of any table and pictures included;

– Article Author/s’ personal contact/s (feel free to include social media accounts) and picture.

You may be interested in reading the last newsletters. Find them all at:

Furthermore, we strongly advice you to share this call among all your colleagues through your communication channels, in order to involve always more people in the network.

We look forward to receive your contribution. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

All the best from the Portuguese team

EuroNet MRPH UK – Brexit Statement

Dear EuroNet members,

It has been a week since the results of the referendum have come through with a result of 51.9% voting for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union sinking in.

We realise the majority of EuroNet members, including all of the UK EuroNet committee, are extremely disappointed and upset by the result. For now, the short term and long term implications for the UK are uncertain across all areas, particularly for the NHS and for public health. However, as emphasized by the Faculty of Public Health in their recent statement, the decision has been made and within the UK, “we need to ensure the best aspirations of the Leave campaign are delivered and the worst predictions of the Remain campaign are avoided”.

International collaborations are crucial in public health. Organisations such as EuroNet will become more important than ever to preserve and strengthen those relationships, irrespective of the political situation. We will be reinforcing this view to our European colleagues and friends and will keep you updated with any further developments.

For now, we will follow the developments carefully and reiterate our commitment to the principle of EuroNet – connecting public health trainees across Europe to share practice and ultimately improve the health of our populations across the region.

UK EuroNet team (


EuroNet Summer Meeting Program

EuroNet Summer Meeting Program

Friday July 8th

14.00                 welcome and  ice breaking game
15.00                 guest speaker; Ashis Brahma about refugees
15.30-16.00      coffee/tea break
16 – 18.00        discussion topic about refugee health ( preparations)
18.00                 borrel and bbq/ diner campfire

Saturday July 9th

9.00                  breakfast
10- 12.00          general assembly
12-13.00           lunch
13-14,.00          general assembly
14-15.30           working groups
15.30                coffee/ tea break
16 – 16.30         working group presentations
16.30 -17.30    2 min presentations per country
17.30                 closure
18.00                borrel and bbq/ diner campfire

Sunday July 10th

9.30                breakfast and social program in Amsterdam

Dubrovnik International Bioethics Summer School


Dear EuroNet colleagues and friends,

Another nice offer for this summer!
Dubrovnik International Bioethics Summer School, August 2016, Croatia
Special offer for EuroNet members
The organizing committee of the Summer School has generously offered 10 discounted rates with 30% discount on regular prices for the first 10 EuroNet members that apply for the Full Summer School Program.
Offer applies to all Public Health Resident from EuroNet member countries
For more information, please contact Croatian EuroNet team at
EuroNet MRPH
Croatian EuroNet MRPH Team